Woman's Empowerment

VCE Social Clubs

VCE encourage the women and men to gain a better understanding of womenshood and feminity and increase awareness about the actions all individual can take to make a positive impact on feminist Community. We strongly beleive that feminism is for everybody;

We encourage all students from diverse backgrounds to Participate in meaningful conversations and activities that will help us dismantle gender in equality and eradicate the stereotypes that perpetuate it.


  • *   To promote a Culture of respect and equality for female gender.
  • *   To Conduct Seminar, workshop to impart knowledge of Opportunities and tools available and train the women.
  • *   To create a Conductive Counselling environment for female. gender to share their problems.
  • *   Provision of Opportunities and programs for female gender to be mentally and emotionally empowered so as to promote their growth as individuals in their own right.
  • *   Conducting various Competitions to encourage their artistic talents for Creative thinking.